Wednesday 9 January 2019

Weekly Update #14

Happy new year!

Math 7A and 7B
Students have currently started a new unit that covers Adding and Subtracting fractions. This unit will take all of January and go partly into February.

Before the break students were working on a large assignment. These assignments have not been graded yet but I have indicated on PowerSchool if the assignment has been collected or has not been handed in. There are a small number of students that have not handed the assignment in and this is indicated with a "missing" icon on PowerSchool. It is very important that students hand in assignments on time - assignments that are not handed will be assigned a grade of zero. A grade of zero greatly impacts a student's grade. If you notice that your child has not handed in their assignment please encourage them to complete it by Friday.

Additionally, I have mentioned to students this week that they will be writing a Midterm sometime in February. This midterm will cover everything that we have done so far this year. I am still finalizing the date for when students will be writing this Midterm with the other grade 7 math teachers. When I know the date I will let students know. It will be around the first week of February. And we will have ample review time in class to prepare. Midterms are at the discretion of teachers and subject departments; therefore, your child may or may not have a midterm in their other core subject areas. We do not have a midterm week like finals week and the midterm will be written during regular class time. The midterm accounts for 9% of the student's grade.

Math 8C
Students have currently started a new unit that covers Surface Area and Volume. This unit will take all of January and go partly into February to complete.

Additionally, I have mentioned to students this week that they will be writing a Midterm sometime in February. This midterm will cover everything that we have done so far this year. I am still finalizing the date for when students will be writing this Midterm with the other grade 8 math teachers. When I know the date I will let students know. It will be around the first week of February. And we will have ample review time in class to prepare. Midterms are at the discretion of teachers and subject departments; therefore, your child may or may not have a midterm in their other core subject areas. We do not have a midterm week like finals week and the midterm will be written during regular class time. The midterm accounts for 9% of the student's grade.

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